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When I got my first Pellet grill in 2014, this BBQ stuff was so new to me.  I thought BBQ was Dogs, Burgers and steak.  I never realized all...

Monday, July 30, 2018

Pellet Grills Size Does Matter.

BBQ Ribs On My Traeger JR Pellet Gtill

Does size really matter when it comes to pellet grills?  I have often heard it said go big or go home.
Obviously the bigger your Grill the more you can fit on it.  But is bigger really better.  The Bigger your grill the more pellets you burn. Its simple physics the more surface area you have the more fuel you will burn to heat it up.

Sure no matter how big your grill is you may find a here or there where it isnt quite big enough for all you want to do.  A simple solution is to do multiple cooks.  You can also add Grill Real estate by adding a 2nd story. 

I think the best size is the right size for you. If you mainly cook for 2 and dont like leftovers then 300 or 400 sq feet is perfect.  If you have a large family then perhaps 1000 sq feet is your best bet.
So consider what you want to cook and try and buy something that is big enough for 80% or more of your cooks.

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